We Love Inclusion Infusion

Congratulations Valley Light Industries and Sage Newman on an incredibly successful Fashion Show at the City of Hope today.  Valley Light Industries helps with job placement for adults with special needs. I love seeing Leslie, one of the models today, helping as a serving hostess at Westminster  Gardens


Sage Newman, Duarte Mayor John Fasana, LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and I all helped to celebrate Lily’s success at Valley Light.



One of the outstanding runway models in the fashion show. 

Neighborhood Connections

Studies show that when people know their neighbors in an area, crime tends to go down. Thanks to Mesa President, Carie Osburn, for hosting this years block party - it does make a difference!


Hosting the Boxing Show

Thanks to Marilyn Mays and the Teen Center boxing staff for their hard work putting together the boxing show this past Saturday. We are proud of you, as well as our outstanding young athletes. 

Presenting the belt and medal. 

Presenting the belt and medal. 

I am proud to sponsor a belt and medal for the participants.

I am proud to sponsor a belt and medal for the participants.

Welcoming our new DUSD School Superintendent


Our city is very excited to welcome a new leader for our schools. Dr. Gordon Amerson is from the Capistrano Unified School District, where he served as Associate Superintendent of Human Resource Services. 


I attended a lovely welcome reception for Dr. Amerson along with my colleague on the city council, Sam Kang, and friends Ceci Carroll, Lydia Carswell, Debbie Ogden, and David Gallivan. 

National Night Out

Thanks to our Public Safery employees for the excellent job that they do to keep our community safe and healthy. I am proud to say that we have one of the safest cities along the foothills with Part One crimes. 


It’s great to be able to meet with old friends and meet new ones - our connections make for a better community overall. 

Welcome to See Jack Play

Congratulations to city council colleague, Tzeitel Paras Caracci, on the opening of her new business in Duarte. Best of luck for a huge success! The Grand Opening was so fun for all the little kids.


The ribbon cutting, with Mayor John Fasana.


Margaret and two of her closest friends, Lois Gaston and Reyna Diaz.


Another Rotarian in the Family


Congratulations to our son, James, a veterinarian, Rick Crosby of DUSD, Vic Benavides of the City of Hope, Ceci Carroll, parent and volunteer extraordinaire, and Dr. William Wallace, principal at the California School of the Arts, on joining our Duarte Rotary Club, world-renowned for it’s stand in allowing women into service clubs. Duarte took it all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States in the late 1980’s - and Duarte Rotary prevailed. That is why our club is known round the world as “the mouse that roared”.  Shown also is Dr. Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman president of our club, and also former District Governor.

Proud to be an American

I was honored to attend our son’s graduation from Naval Officer Development School, in Newport, Rhode Island, over the 4th of July. Best of luck in caring for our service men and women, Evan! 


Busy Earth Day

Planting trees in Duarte and practicIng bike riding as SCAG President at Orange Coast College are two of the ways to celebrate saving the Earth for future generations.


ESRI Founder and President, Jack Dangermond

One of the real advantages of being the President of SCAG is the people that I get to interact with. Yesterday, a few of the SCAG staff and two officers had the privilege of presenting an idea regarding Big Data, Open Data to Jack Dangermond. We use ESRI information to obtain mapping information all the time at SCAG and now we will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with Jack and this company. I am blessed to work with the brilliant and visionary minds of our SCAG CEO, Hasan Ikhrata, and Jack Dangermond.  


Dinner with Dr. Robert Gates

Thanks to Western Riverside COG for an enjoyable and informative evening with the former Secretary of Defense under both Preaidents Bush and Obama. He gave great insight into the workings of the Federal government and what goes on in Washington DC.


Lobbying for Southern California Association of Governments in Sacramento

Meeting with California's new state Attorney General, Xavier Becerra

Meeting with California's new state Attorney General, Xavier Becerra

In the rotunda of the California State Capitol with my SCAG colleagues. We spent two days up in Sacramento lobbying for Southern California's fair share of the cap and trade funding. Will we get any more of it? Don't know yet but at least the legisl…

In the rotunda of the California State Capitol with my SCAG colleagues. We spent two days up in Sacramento lobbying for Southern California's fair share of the cap and trade funding. Will we get any more of it? Don't know yet but at least the legislators will know who we are and will know that we are watching, even from afar. 

Lobbying in DC

I came back to Washington DC with my colleagues on SCAG to seek bipartisan support for a freight funding bill for $160 million to ease some of the burden on our freeways with our extensive port traffic. Our region received no money in the last funding cycle and we can't have that happen again. Visited with Congressional members Napolitano, Chu, Torres, Lowenthal, Brownley, Takano, Cook, Royce, and Barragan. They were very receptive to writing letters of support to those that are making the decision on the FAST Act funding.


Phase 1 Mud Flow from Friday's storm

The streets are cleared now of 2800 cubic yards of debris from this flow and we are getting ready for a Phase 2 storm later today. I took this video from the corner of Brookridge and Melcanyon on Friday. The k-rails had been moved by the force of the water - and it all came very quickly

Duarte Braces for Storms

Our city is prepared once again for the rain that is drenching our foothills. I went over to the Fish Canyon area to see the mudflow running down Melcanyon and did get the extra benefit of walking the grandkids home. The city will be on high alert as these storms continue to roll through. The k-rails and sandbags appear to be working reasonably well.
